Eliminate the September Slump in Your Studio

July 13, 2024

Ah, September—the month when summer vacations are but a distant memory, kids are back to school, and studio owners everywhere experience something eerily similar to tumbleweeds rolling through an Old West ghost town. Yes, I’m talking about the infamous September Slump. But what if I told you there's a way to transform this dreaded month into a bustling hub of activity? Buckle up, because we're about to turn your sleepy September into a whopper of a month!

The Art of the Slow-Mover Shuffle

Picture this: your studio shelves are home to more slow-moving stock than a tortoise on a leisurely stroll. It’s gathering dust, occupying precious real estate, and silently judging you every time you walk by. Well, today is the day to give those slowpokes a purpose.

Here’s the idea: Take that sluggish inventory and convert it into September events. Think discounted events—not "cheap" (because we value our worth here), but enticing offers like "Buy One, Get a Friend Half Off" or "Bring a Friend Night." These events can draw new people into your studio and re-engage your current clientele. And if kids' classes are your forte, offer them at a slightly lower price to push out that inventory you’d otherwise be taking a hit on.

Turn Snails into Cheetahs

Trust me; I've seen slow movers turn into cult favorites overnight. It’s like that one uncle who shows up late to the family reunion but ends up being the life of the party. By repurposing your slow-moving stock into creative events or classes, you give these items a second chance at stardom. Task your staff with identifying these tortoise-paced products and brainstorming ways to incorporate them into engaging activities.

Your September Savior

At PYOP Accounting, we believe your studio should not only be a source of pride but also a legitimate source of income, a retirement plan, and a lifestyle that lets you live on your own terms. We’re all about baking smooth financial systems into the DNA of your business. From financial management with ease to developing a clear path to profitability, we support a healthy retail and event-driven studio that works for you as hard as you work for it.

So let’s say goodbye to the September Slump and hello to a September Surge! Get those slow movers out, make some extra cash, and watch your studio thrive.

I'm Donna Bordeaux with PYOP Accounting. Ready to kick the September Slump to the curb? Check us out for more tips and strategies to keep your studio vibrant and profitable year-round. Thanks for reading – now go make September your busiest month yet!

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Donna Bordeaux, CPA with PYOPAccounting.com

Creativity and CPAs don’t generally go together. Most people think of CPAs as nerdy accountants who can’t talk with people. Well, it’s time to break that stereotype. Lively, friendly, and knowledgeable can be a part of your relationship with your CPA, as demonstrated by Donna and Chad Bordeaux. They have over 50 years of combined experience as entrepreneurial CPAs. They’ve owned businesses and helped business owners exceed their wildest dreams. They have been able to help businesses earn many times more profit than the average business in the same industry and are passionate about helping industries that help families build great memories.